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Ghidini Lighting

Towards Digital Transformation

GHIDINI LIGHTING, result from the merge of two historical Italian lighting companies, Ghidini and Lucitalia, offers a complete range of internal and external lighting fixtures. Since each brand managed its own catalog and properties denomination, it was hard for the new company to align and standardize product information across brands. Like any other lighting company, GHIDINI was also concerned about single product information that is disseminated across the company, requiring a lot of efforts to consolidate in order to generate a detailed product datasheet or a catalog.

In order to sort out the current situation, GHIDINI LIGHTING set the following project objectives:
  • Implementation of one global database that centralizes products from both brands/catalogs,
  • Standardization of properties and values for both brands,
  • Advanced users profiling to limit access to the catalogs,
  • Utilization of the final database for online and offline product information sharing.

Coperon analyzed the two catalogs' structures and submitted a unified data model for validation. Existing properties and values were reviewed, cleaned and unified. Automatic procedures populated the database required for the implementation of the new GHIDINI LIGHTING product information management system, Coperon iPartner. The database, once imported, was reviewed and completed when required, by Coperon content team.
Specific functionalities were provided to simplify and assist the users in their daily update: content copy from one product to another, automated graphical material (images, icons…) naming and linking with products, advanced users access restriction to products information …
Coperon product information management system, iPartner, was deployed locally and interfaced with GHIDINI LIGHTING ERP system. Once validated, information is published on GHIDINI LIGHTING corporate website while structured product information can be locally generated on demand for the generation of the products' labels, for specific reporting needs or else.


  • Unified and up-to-date products data, permanently maintained to reflect the latest products changes,
  • Product management system integrated within the product life cycle,
  • Hassle-free maintenance of the products data, through a complete outsourcing of the data entry work to Coperon.

  • Proven experience in the design and implementation of online products catalog for the Lighting industry,
  • Readiness to customize the solutions to cope with Lighting clients specific needs,
  • Confidence in a professional lighting industry expert,
  • Ability to provide tools that can scale up as the business grows.

Coperon is a perfect partner for a complete outsourcing of our corporate e-initiative. They provide a complete span of services that simplifies communication and support!

Coperon è il partner perfetto per la gestione in outsourcing dei processi di comunicazione aziendale. Forniscono una gamma completa di servizi che semplificano la comunicazione ed il supporto migliorandone l’efficacia.

Giovanni Duni