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GRUPO MCI products configuration made easy

Feb, 2019catalog


GRUPO MCI, founded in 1972 in Barcelona, is an international leading engineering and manufacturer company of integral architectural lighting solutions for indoor and outdoor lighting applications. MCI Light is one of GRUPO MCI brands that provides a new lighting experience to customers, offering a wide range of indoor and outdoor lighting products, many of can be customized to fit specific applications.

What We Did:
GRUPO MCI selected Coperon Technologies for its ability in providing online catalog solutions, capable of managing the multitude of configurations MCI Lights propose and for its proven record in supporting companies from the lighting industry. Based on a design provided by GRUPO MCI, Coperon deployed its Content Management System for the editing of the website corporate pages. For the online catalog and product configurator, Coperon’s product information management system handled the specificities of the different products families. Rules were set to assist in the product code configuration, options selections, the final generation of a product code and its related product data sheet. Coperon content team handled the enrichment, in Spanish and English, of the website pages and products catalog.

The Outcome:
The deployment of the product code configurator simplified GRUPO MCI need to showcase the large number of possibilities its product lines can offer. Specific generation of products data sheets answered the expectations of GRUPO MCI professional partners, such as lighting designers, architects, engineers…; it provided them with custom designed fixtures to fit their particular applications.

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