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Des services vous permettant de communiquer avec vos clients

Coperon Technologies a été fondée en Mars 2000 au Royaume-Uni avec la conviction que les fabricants devraient être en mesure de gérer et de communiquer les données relatives à leurs produits à un large éventail d'utilisateurs de catalogues: distributeurs, fournisseurs, consommateurs, équipes commerciales et responsables marketing. Depuis la fondation de Coperon Technologies, nous appliquons notre expertise dans la conception de solutions de gestion de catalogue qui vous convient. Nous vous aidons a mettre en œuvre vos catalogues en ligne ou votre initiative de commerce en ligne (e-Commerce) et a créer votre site Web et vos Applications Mobiles, soutenues par une stratégie de marketing digitale développer sur-mesure, comprenant les Réseaux Sociaux et les services de Référencement Naturel (SEO) pour optimiser le positionnement de votre site sur les moteurs de recherche tels que Google, afin d’augmenter et renforcer la visibilité de votre marque.

Développement Web

Développement Web





Réseaux sociaux

Réseaux sociaux

SEO: Référencement Naturel

SEO: Référencement Naturel

Email marketing

Email marketing

Saisie de données

Saisie de données

Conseil et Formation

Conseil et Formation

Coperon Technologies a été fondée en Mars 2000 au Royaume-Uni avec la conviction que les fabricants devraient être en mesure de gérer et de communiquer les données relatives à leurs produits à un large éventail d'utilisateurs de catalogues: distributeurs, fournisseurs, consommateurs, équipes commerciales et responsables marketing. Depuis la fondation de Coperon Technologies, nous appliquons notre expertise dans la conception de solutions de gestion de catalogue qui vous convient. Nous vous aidons a mettre en œuvre vos catalogues en ligne ou votre initiative de commerce en ligne (e-Commerce) et a créer votre site Web et vos Applications Mobiles, soutenues par une stratégie de marketing digitale développer sur-mesure, comprenant les Réseaux Sociaux et les services de Référencement Naturel (SEO) pour optimiser le positionnement de votre site sur les moteurs de recherche tels que Google, afin d’augmenter et renforcer la visibilité de votre marque.


Nous visons à concevoir la meilleure expérience digitale pour vos clients

  • Bold Lighting
    Bold Lighting

    Bold Lighting

  • $detailclientstextleft_713content$
  • 3dxl


  • $detailclientstextleft_713content$
  • Sonepar France
    Sonepar France

    Sonepar France

    Lire la suite
  • Sonepar Group is a leading European B-to-B distributor of electrical products, solutions and related services. Sonepar launched few years ago a corporate project to digitalize and classify electrical products based on the ETIM standards, using a centralized application and database.
    Coperon mobilized its content services team and supported three entities of the Group, Italy, France & Canada. Tens of thousands of references were enriched to date for Sonepar.
    Through 170 operating companies with 2,800 branches and 1,000 on-site customer branches, Sonepar Group has developed an offer that addresses national market needs in 44 countries. In 2018, Sonepar achieved sales for €22.4 billion. To know more about Sonepar click here.

    Why Coperon Technologies?

    Manufacturers and retailers permanently face an overwhelming challenge in managing their product data. With limited resources, they are required to maintain complex databases with technical data, images, drawings and an array of related documents to keep their databases, online catalogs and eCommerce platforms up to date.
    Coperon Technologies data entry services rely on an experienced team that handled throughout the years, hundreds of thousands of references, for different industries committed to deliver the required quality in the shortest delays.

    Customized services to meet your needs

    Coperon practical experience led us adopt a flexible approach that meets the context and requirements of every single client. Whether data is provided as paper catalogs, or in any type of electronic document, Coperon Data Entry team can handle the data to re-enter it in the required data structure.
    If you need to be in control of the data entry process, Coperon Data Entry team can even work directly on your systems to enrich and complete the data. You will be able to monitor our work, measure progress and validate immediately the work achieved.
    By end, each data entry project is different and that makes your project unique.

    Our Advantages

    • Experienced Data Entry personnel
    • Ability to handle any size of job and to scale up the team for larger projects
    • Competitive pricing
    • Respect of agreed delays for project finalization
    • Knowledge of European languages

    Coperon is the perfect partner for Sonepar Italy to classify and enrich our electronic catalogue of lighting products. They always guarantee good quality of data and respect for deadlines.
  • Ulysses Consulting
    Ulysses Consulting

    Ulysses Consulting

  • $detailclientstextleft_713content$
  • Shiva-Lila Yoga
    Shiva-Lila Yoga

    Shiva-Lila Yoga

  • $detailclientstextleft_713content$
  • Manasseh


  • $detailclientstextleft_713content$
  • The Light Avenue
    The Light Avenue

    The Light Avenue

    Lire la suite
  • Company profile
    For more than a century, Debbas has been proposing innovative lighting solutions, offering reputable European & American lighting products. 

    With the introduction of its new brand, The Light Avenue, Debbas launched one of the first specialized lighting e-shops in the Middle East, designed and enriched to make sure that clients will experience online the same shopping satisfaction.

    What we did:

    Coperon was chosen by Debbas for its proven experience in providing online catalogs for the lighting companies. The e-Commerce platform was deployed as a backend and configured to handle the specificities of the lighting fixtures. Comprehensive properties were selected to help narrow the results and assist the online clients into getting to the right products. A payment platform was integrated to complete the sales cycle. More than 1000 products references were enriched with their complete technical information. 

    The outcome:

    From the days the site went live, Debbas witnessed a sustained growth of the website audience that concretizes into new sales opportunities. A digital marketing campaign will be set soon to improve the global reach of the online brand and penetrate new territories. More brands and products will be added permanently to expand the choices offered to clients.

  • Château Kefraya
    Château Kefraya

    Château Kefraya

  • $detailclientstextleft_713content$


Ils nous font confiance!


Lire les dernières annonces et actualités


    AUG, 2020lighting

    Griven signs with Coperon!

    Griven, a major Italian player in the architectural lighting industry, signs with Coperon

    Griven, a major Italian player in the architectural lighting industry, signs with Coperon

    GRIVEN S.r.l, part of the Nordeon Group, is a dynamic and successful player in the architectural lighting market. The company is renowned for delivering special lighting solutions for the most demanding lighting installations.
    In order to communicate properly the wide possibilities of lighting solutions the brand provide, Griven assessed the capabilities of Coperon Technologies and relied on its proven track in supporting the lighting industry. The project covers the implementation of Coperon’s catalog management solution (PIM) to digitalize the technical specifications of Griven products and deploy an online catalog, including as well the product code configuration.

    chicco lebanon


    Chicco, order it online!

    An eCommerce platform was deployed, aligned with the Italian brand corporate guidelines and recommendations.

    An eCommerce platform was deployed, aligned with the Italian brand corporate guidelines and recommendations.

    Chicco is a renowned Italian brand for baby products. Our close collaboration with the Lebanese representative, Fouad Bocti & Co., started with the setting of an effective social media strategy that grew the brand audience, preparing the ground for online sales. Launching the eCommerce came in on time to confirm the success of our approach!

    An eCommerce platform was deployed, aligned with the Italian brand corporate guidelines and recommendations.

    Products were entered by Coperon content team before the platform went live. 

    Chicco Lebanon

    Zuhair Murad redesigned

    AUG, 2020WEBSITE

    Zuhair Murad redesigned!

    No need to introduce Zuhair Murad, a unique fashion house with an innovative approach to Couture fashion and high end Ready to Wear!

    No need to introduce Zuhair Murad, a unique fashion house with an innovative approach to Couture fashion and high end Ready to Wear!

    No need to introduce Zuhair Murad, a unique fashion house with an innovative approach to Couture fashion and high end Ready to Wear!

    Aligned with the spirit of the brand, the corporate website was completely re-designed in collaboration with Zuhair Murad Marketing team to put front the uniqueness of the creations and developed by Coperon Technologies to include the necessary features that enhance customers’ experience.

    To know more about Zuhair Murad, visit Zuhair Murad

    Sarahs Bag


    Sarah’s Bag, a company with social conscience

    Proud about our collaboration with Sarah’s Bag, a Beirut-based handbag brand, one of the Middle East’s leading social enterprises.

    Proud about our collaboration with Sarah’s Bag, a Beirut-based handbag brand, one of the Middle East’s leading social enterprises.

    Proud about our collaboration with Sarah’s Bag, a Beirut-based handbag brand, one of the Middle East’s leading social enterprises. Sarah’s Bag handbags are designed around the skills of 200 women prisoners and ex-prisoners in Lebanon, empowering both disadvantaged women and their craft. A company that keeps social conscience alive!

    To attract more traffic to the website, Coperon, in coordination with Sarah’s Bag Management, set the appropriate digital strategy to improve the website ranking and visibility, aiming for more sales online.

    Sarah's Bag


Notre priorité: la croissance de nos clients!